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Meet Sergio Mendez PE, Project Manager, CONSOR Engineers

Meet Sergio Mendez PE, Project Manager, CONSOR Engineers

The ASCE Texas Section Board of Direction members were asked to fill out a questionnaire so that the Section’s members might get to know them a little better on a personal level. These are Sergio Mendez’s answers:

When did you first get involved with ASCE at any level (student chapter, local branch, section)?

Student Chapter as the Steel Bridge Captain in 2010.

What do you love the most about being a civil engineer?

The ability to create great positive impact to our communities. With our designs and our expertise, civil engineers can greatly enhance the lives of those around us.

How do you see the civil engineering profession changing over the next 10 years?

Civil Engineers will need to adapt to the new technologies which are being developed. We need to combat climate change and adapt to the next big things that may change the way we currently do business. For instance smart cities, electric cars, etc. we also need to take care of our aging infrastructure and rehabilitate it.

Give us your best 2-3 sentence piece of advice for the next generation of civil engineers

Be passionate about your career. In your hands is the future of the planet.

What is your go-to calculator?

Casio fx-115ES (passed both FE and PE with that one)

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Going to Rock and Roll Concerts. I also enjoy running Above you’ll see me at a Guns N’ Roses concert and running in the San Francisco Marathon.

Who is the most famous person you have met?

Brad Whitford and Tom Hamilton of Aerosmith

What would your superpower be?

Freddie Mercury singing range

What is your favorite band?

Guns N’ Roses, Queen, The Beatles, Bon Jovi, Metallica and Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band.