“The Future is Now” at 2023 CECON

February 2023

ASCE Texas Section’s CECON Planning Committee is pleased to announce that the 2023 Texas Civil Engineering Conference (CECON) will be held in person this September 20-22 at the Embassy Suites San Marcos Hotel Conference Center. This event focuses on topics and technical seminars related to The Future is Now.
Video calls, smart watches, robotic house help, and even 3-D printed foods were futuristic technologies portrayed in the 1960’s cartoon series, “The Jetsons”, which was set in the year 2062. All of these and other major technological advancements, and more, are now already mainstream in 2023. The rate at which our world is changing is occurring at a rampant pace, which creates opportunities for thought leaders to accelerate vision and ideas into the present day. Innovative solutions are being elevated by many industries, given present practices that are taxing our nation’s and our world’s natural and human resources. As civil engineers, we are challenged to continually ensure a better quality of life through the needs satisfaction of our society. Terms like “sustainability” and “resilience” have entered into the common language of today’s civil engineers based on recent global events and indicators, requiring us to think beyond the status quo. Indeed, the “Future is Now.”
CECON 2023 will provide a wide array of general topics to educate engineers on the latest advancements in civil engineering that touch all disciplines: planning, design, management, implementation, business, and community. This year’s conference will also include topics and content focused on many of the ASCE Institutes (G-I, UESI, T&DI, EWRI, and SEI), some of which will have dedicated programs throughout the event. The CECON 2023 Planning Committee is actively seeking dynamic speakers for this year’s event who can nominate topics in keeping with this year’s “The Future is Now” theme – we encourage everyone to get involved this year to help advance our profession and our industry. Not the speaking type? No problem! Plenty of opportunities this year exist to either participate in the many conference Sponsorships or showcase your company’s service/product offering as an Exhibitor. These CECON investment opportunities, as a speaker, exhibitor, and/or sponsor, all offer unique means to engage in person with your peer group faced with similar present-day challenges – creating solutions today for tomorrow’s problems.
This year’s CECON will offer a multitude of networking opportunities inclusive of group meals featuring keynote speakers, coffee breaks, breakout sessions and breaks therein, evening socials through sponsored events, multiple exhibitor mixers, and the presentation of ASCE Texas Section’s 2022 awards during the CECON Gala… and much more. Beyond the value of the programs and content offered by CECON 2023, the personal interaction opportunities amongst the engineering thought leaders in Texas is well worth the price of admission!
The CECON 2023 Planning Committee and ASCE Texas Section Board of Direction would like to thank our membership for supporting ASCE Texas Section programming and CECON. Past CECON events serve as a significant resource stream to enable ASCE Texas Section to create and sponsor programming that benefits all of us. We look forward to seeing you in San Marcos in mid-September.