Meet Victor E. Murillo PE

The ASCE Texas Section Board of Direction members were asked to fill out a questionnaire so that the Section’s members might get to know them a little better on a personal level. These are Victor Murillo PE’s answers.
When did you first get involved with ASCE at any level (student chapter, local branch, section)?
When did you get involved with ASCE at any level (student chapter, local branch, section)?
I became involved in ASCE as a student at Texas A&M University – Kingsville. A classmate at the time invited me to join because they were needing help with their concrete canoe. I was intrigued by the idea of concrete floating so I volunteered to assist. That year the ASCE Texas Section Centennial Celebration took place in Corpus Christi, and it was an amazing event. I was a part of the Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge teams, and I was able to build friendships that will last a lifetime, I call them family (y’all know who you are). Eventually, I became President of the Student Chapter and the Corpus Christi Branch, where I now serve as Past President. I have been involved since and have never looked back.
How has ASCE helped you in your career?
Being an ASCE member has allowed me to network with local and nationwide engineering professionals that I otherwise would not have known. I can reach out to them for mentorship, guidance, or to assist/give back and consider them all my friends. ASCE has also helped me develop leadership skills and soft skills.
What do you love the most about being a civil engineer?
My favorite part of being a Civil Engineer is that we have a direct impact on people’s daily lives. We help solve problems in so many job roles and sectors, and there will always be room for improvement and learning in the ever-changing industry. Our projects benefit the public, including our families, and it is an awesome experience to be able to see your design become a reality.
When did you know you wanted to be a civil engineer?
As a child, I grew up playing LEGO with my dad, and I knew then that I wanted to build something. I was also very interested in science and math (as most engineers are), and my interest in engineering came about when I was in middle school. I initially started my degree as a double major in Civil and Architectural engineering, but I quickly realized Civil Engineering was what I wanted to do.
Everyone has 15 seconds of fame (at least); where have you “spent” or “earned” yours?
I came out in the local news while in ASCE at Texas A&M University – Kingsville. I spoke about the ASCE/AISC Steel bridge competition, rules, and construction process. Our team built the bridge in approximately 13 minutes which was the fastest time at the competition that year.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I like to spend time with my family and friends at the gym, traveling, and taking pictures. I plan to visit all 50 states by the age of 50 and travel to other places around the world. I have visited 27 states and Puerto Rico thus far.
What is your go-to calculator?
I used the fx-115 calculator to study for the FE Exam and have three of them now.