Meet Kimberly K. Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE

The ASCE Texas Section Board of Direction members were asked to fill out a questionnaire so that the Section’s members might get to know them a little better on a personal level. These are President Elect Kimberly Cornett’s answers.
When did you first get involved with ASCE at any level (student chapter, local branch, section)?
My journey started simply enough. I was introduced to ASCE while working on my master’s degree at the University of Texas at San Antonio. As a graduate research assistant, the students invited me for “Free Pizza.” I had a fun time and ended up coming back. I learned a lot through the student chapter. I continued to be involved as a young professional with the San Antonio branch and began serving in a board capacity in 2002 as the treasurer. That brings me to the present moment, where I am excited to serve as the Texas Section President Elect.
How has ASCE helped you in your career?
ASCE has allowed me to build a network and develop relationships with colleagues. Those colleagues have shared technical knowledge and provided me with new opportunities at various times in my career. ASCE has provided continuing education and leadership skills that have helped me develop both professionally and personally. To me, ASCE is like family. I can honestly say that my “ASCE family” has provided me with support on more than one occasion to help keep me going.
Give us three words to describe what a civil engineer does
Let me tell you a story about my three words. During a presentation to my son’s fourth-grade class, I asked them, “What do you think a civil engineer does?” I will never forget one young man’s answer of, “Build Civilization Daily.” So those have become my three words. That is truly what we do.
Give us your best 2-3 sentence piece of advice for the next generation of civil engineers
To each young child that wants to be an engineer, I would say, “Dream Big.”
To each high school student, I would say, “Explore your Dream.”
To each university student, I would say, “Develop your Dream with each class.”
To each young professional, I would say, “Never give up so you can Live your Dream.”
What is your go-to calculator?
Yes, it’s true. I’m particular about my calculator. I like the HP 42S. I almost cried the other day when my HP 42S started to make noises and just blinked. Thank goodness it was just the batteries.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love to walk. This year I will walk 60 miles in 3 days, twice, to raise money and bring awareness to the need for continued breast cancer research. In the last 15 years, “Angels for the Cure,” the group I walk with has raised 1.3 million dollars.

What was your high school nickname?
First, I must explain. I played on my high school’s freshman basketball team and there were two other players with the name Kimberly, so I was called “Redwine.” That happens to be my maiden name, but that is what my friends called me for the next four years.
Mountains or beach?
Beach. I absolutely love a sunrise or sunset walk on the beach. The sand in my toes, the smell of the fresh air, the sound of the water, and the peace of mind it offers.