Countdown to CECON 2024: Exciting Updates and Opportunities Await
July 2024

Steven Archer PE,
ASCE Texas Section CECON Senior Co-Chair
School is almost back in session, and it is time to Raise the Grade! The 2024 Texas Civil Engineering Conference is mere weeks from happening in Frisco, TX. As Senior Co-Chair for this year’s event, I need to provide some important updates about the program, keynote speakers, networking events, and our supporters.
This year’s CECON planning committee has been working hard to deliver our attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors some real value in their investment in the conference. We are excited to present a comprehensive program featuring industry-recognized keynote speakers and panels focusing on TxDOT, Texas River Authorities, and Academics/STEM. Each panel session will be preceded by our keynote speakers, who will share their insights on how the great state of Texas is ‘Raising the Grade.'”
Like our 2023 CECON, we have partnered with state chapter institutes (Geotechnical, Environmental & Water Resources, Transportation and Structural Engineering) for a comprehensive, discipline-specific set of breakout sessions. We will be offering four distinct tracks with the opportunity to earn as many as 12 professional development hours (PDHs) in consideration of all available programming during the conference. Don’t miss our one-hour ethics lecture with a hot breakfast on Friday morning, September 20th. Later that afternoon, the City of Frisco will be hosting our Technical Tour for interested parties at a local reclaimed water pump station. We will learn how the City is utilizing reclaimed water from local wastewater facilities to irrigate the newest signature feature within our city, the PGA Headquarters in north Frisco.
Our 2024 CECON theme, “Raising the Grade” was contrived in consideration of ongoing challenges related to our state’s infrastructure demands and in anticipation of the issuance of the ASCE Texas Infrastructure Report Card in 2025. Attracting and retaining civil engineering students is a recognized challenge for educators and employers. We’ve asked our keynote speakers and panelists to discuss these issues, the opportunities from unprecedented infrastructure funding through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and the growing demand for young civil engineers
The true value of a program like CECON is the opportunity to network with peers in a dedicated venue. The 2024 CECON Planning Committee is working hard to provide registrants, speakers, and exhibitors/sponsors with multiple networking events throughout the conference. Each day will feature an exhibitor happy hour, offering attendees the chance to mix and mingle with our exhibitors, who are crucial to CECON’s success.
Following Day 1 programming, everyone is invited to “Raise the Roof” at Riders Field, home of the Frisco RoughRiders AA baseball team, adjacent to the conference venue. Enjoy food and drinks, courtesy of the Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI), and participate in activities like shagging fly balls, taking grounders, and live batting practice. Batter up!
Day 2 will also include an exhibitor happy hour, followed by the main event: the Annual Awards Banquet and Casino Night! Attendees are encouraged to dress in their best (or funniest) “Roaring 20s” attire. This gala event is a great opportunity to recognize significant accomplishments within Texas and have fun during Casino Night. Come one, come all!
Early Bird registration for CECON 2024 will conclude on July 31, 2024, and regular registration rates will apply thereafter. Exhibitor opportunities are presently limited to tabletop displays directly adjacent to the keynote/meal hall, be sure to get yours reserved as they are going fast. Want your firm or organization to receive some major pub? There are a handful of sponsorship opportunities remaining which can be referenced within the Conference Prospectus. We wish to extend a sincere ‘THANK YOU’ to our supporters for their contributions to this year’s conference. Texas ASCE’s flagship event participation as a registrant, collaborator, exhibitor and/or sponsor supports other Texas Section offerings like Student Symposium, the aforementioned Texas Infrastructure Report Card, Texas ASCE Legislative Drive-In, Leadership Development Weekend, Texas Civil Engineer magazine, and more… your attendance at CECON is meaningful!
The CECON 2024 Planning Committee and ASCE Texas Section wish to extend our thanks to everyone for supporting our programming. Make your reservations NOW to join us in Frisco from Wednesday, September 18th through Friday, September 20th… Remember Early Bird pricing ends on July 31st. We will see everyone “Raising the Grade” on September 18th in Frisco!
To learn more about our programs, keynotes, panel sessions, networking events, and technical tour, AND TO REGISTER, please visit our event website @