Board Begins New Year by Setting Up 2020 Election Ballot, Valuing Government Engineers
Jerry B. Paz, P.E., ENV SP, M.ASCE, your Region 6 Director, is a member of the New Mexico Southern Branch. Jerry represented you at the Jan. 9 Board meeting in Detroit.
March 1, 2020

We kicked off 2020 in the Motor City with our first Board meeting of the decade amid the first of ASCE’s three Multi-Region Leadership Conferences. The MRLCs are always informative and inspiring, a true recharge of your ASCE batteries, with Section and Branch leaders mixing with Younger Members and students for valuable knowledge exchange and networking.
For the Board, with many of our members voting for the first time, the winter meeting was also an important first step toward making ASCE an even stronger, more dynamic organization in the new year.
Highlights from the Board meeting:
- The Board of Direction’s Nominating Committee selected Maria Lehman, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE, and Dennis D. Truax, Ph.D., P.E., DEE, D.WRE, F.NSPE, F.ASCE, as the official nominees for 2021 ASCE president-elect. READ MORE AT ASCE NEWS
- The Board also voted to create a new Government Engineers Council, continuing to strengthen our ties with those in the public sector. The GEC will resume Public Agency Peer Review program, which had been on hold since last March. READ MORE AT ASCE NEWS
- ASCE membership will have a chance to vote on a series of proposed Constitutional amendments. They go to the ballot in May’s ASCE election, having been approved on first and second reading by the READ MORE AT ASCE NEWS.
- The Board voted to approve a new Student Presidential Group, composed of one ASCE Student Member from each Region and each Institute who will meet with our president-elect and provide input and perspective, particularly with respect to student transition. The Student Member from Region 6 is Emily Mata from the University of Texas at El Paso.
- After a successful Institute-Region workshop last fall at the Board meeting in Miami, the Board voted to create an Institutes-Regions Summit, in conjunction with the July Board meeting.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for March 14-15 in Washington, D.C., following the Outstanding Projects and Leaders Awards Gala the previous evening. To share your views or provide ideas on how ASCE can better serve its members and the profession, please email Jerry Paz.