ASCE Texas Section YM Camping Trip – 2023
Author: Jaideep “Jay” Rao, EIT | Associate Engineer | TRC Engineers
June 2023

The 2023 ASCE Texas Section Younger Member Camping Trip was a great time! We had members from the Austin and Dallas branches in attendance at Lake Whitney State Park in Whitney, TX. We enjoyed hiking, swimming, cooking, and playing board games, with a roaring fire and plenty of s’mores. There was lots of camaraderie, as it was great networking and meeting other civil and environmental engineers in the state. We survived a very rainy first night and enjoyed the cool water of Lake Whitney on day two. We got to see cardinals and other unique birds during our hike, and several of us swam to the sandbar in the middle of Lake Whitney which was 0.5 miles away! We were blessed with good weather and the serenity of nature in one of Texas’s many beautiful state parks. We’re looking forward to future ASCE camping trips and hope that more chapters can join us next time!