A message from ASCE Texas Section President Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE
September 2024

ASCE Texas Section President 2023-2024
As my presidential year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on our journey together—asking not just “How did it go?” but also, “What did we accomplish?” This year, I introduced the term “reenergize” to encapsulate our collective mission to reignite our passion and purpose.
We embarked on an ambitious goal to breathe new life into several committees and councils that had remained dormant for far too long. I am proud to say we succeeded in this endeavor. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council has revitalized its efforts, reviving past initiatives while boldly proposing new ideas. Similarly, the Section/Branch Committee harnessed their renewed energy to facilitate the consolidation of three branches into a single, stronger entity, setting the stage for even greater achievements ahead.
It’s been exhilarating to witness our growing STEM involvement at both the branch and Section levels. The enthusiasm and dedication of our members have been nothing short of inspiring. I extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who stepped up, contributed, and made these accomplishments possible. While this message cannot capture every individual’s contribution—lest it become a book—I want you all to know your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
As your president, I have had the honor of serving as the face of our organization this year, and I am deeply grateful for the trust you placed in me. Your confidence and support have shaped me into the leader I am today.
In my opening message, I spoke about ASCE as a life-long journey of education and professional fulfillment. It’s been a privilege to share this journey with all of you. The work we do is truly transformative, enhancing lives and communities.
As we conclude this year, I want to emphasize a personal goal I set: to express gratitude to every individual and group whenever possible. We often underestimate the power of a simple “thank you.” Those two words can have a profound impact.
Thank you for allowing me the honor to serve as your president. Together, we’ve reenergized our organization, and I look forward to seeing the continued growth and success of ASCE in the years to come.
Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE
2024 ASCE Texas Section President